6 Ways to Find Your Edge As A Writer

Strategies that I practice; and it will help you as well.

In writing, success is often a series of small, hidden victories and strategies you follow.

I always look for an edge; if you, too, this blog is for you.

Having ideas and putting them into words is more than just writing.

Strategy in writing is the key; even in poetry, I use my strategies, and I never write in one go or with the flow that I present (I will tell the secret down the lane)

Back to content writing or blogging or writing…. to grow an audience or build authority, however, you frame it; you need a system and develop your strategy.

Through my documented and undocumented years of writing, I came across several techniques that took my writing from zero readers to a growing reading base.

Here are 6 strategies that you can try

More writing, less perfectionism.

Writing is brain exercise; the more you do, the better you become.

Initial days are warm-ups; you may be clueless about where everything is heading.

Hold on! That’s how the beginning looks.

As Alex Mathers says, his early 200 blogs went unnoticed; still, he kept writing heedlessly but with passion, adding value, and now his growth is noticeable. He’s a brand name.

Knowing that was my bulb-on moment. I was once overwhelmed by zero readers. Smiles.

Next, I no longer cared. Just kept writing, thinking of myself as a reader and sharing value.

Be vulnerable and write the truth.

People love to hear real stories from people.

And people can see through the lie.

Be honest about the challenges you faced and overcame.

Talk about your small wins and make your raiders resonate.

Writing is a marathon, not a sprint. You gradually grow.

Hook with words, feed with more words.

Just don’t write bland. The title of your post or blog is the hook. Don’t use bait, by the way.

Next, lead them right with your introductory lines.

Lengthy introductions may make people move away fast. In this fast-paced world, more retention span is needed.

Build curiosity. Give them hope to find value as they keep reading.

Promote other writers.

Promore selflessly, yourself, and others too, both your contemporaries and inspirations.

Nobody will diminish your light. Instead, you will glow more with unity and power.

Also, talk about your idols or people who inspire you. Everyone loves to be featured and feel appreciated.

Remember, generosity begets generosity.

Be audience-centric.

I keep asking poetry lovers and readers on my professional pages what they would love to read more about.

I ask them how can I add more value.

In this age of silent reading, everyone won’t reveal their reading presence, but they view it. (Many are not comfortable showing themselves as active readers, but they read.)

A few may write you in direct messages, talking about their resonance with your post. Welcome the gesture (as long it is a conversation around the posts)

Cut the fluff.

Be direct and precise. If you have to write in detail, do that.

But don’t be beating around the bush or add fluffy mentions.

Clear subheadings, bullet points, and concise paragraphs make your writing presentable and readable.

Quality above all. Save their time, and save your time, too.

There is no substitute for reading better to writing better.

But don’t copy, learn.

Add newness to the existing. Bridge the gap or add your ideas to bring more value.

There is more to go on.

But, these 6 would help you set at the start. Keep sharing what works for you. Try and test; remodel yourself.

There are so many writers here. To position yourself at the top, you need both passion and strategy.

Signing off,

Love Rajashree

Thank you for reading till the last. Here’s a gift for you to go beyond content chaos.

P.S. Want to level up your writing game? Write to me in Linkedin / Twitter or schedule a 30-minute call here.


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